Standing Out to Save Lives

Choosing an Outdoor AED Cabinet: Key Considerations You’ve already made the great decision to place an automated external defibrillator (AED)- or several AEDs- outdoors to help protect your school, organization or community against the leading natural cause of death in the U.S., sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Now you need to place the AED in an outdoor cabinet, but…which one?  What factors are important to consider and fully understand when choosing the right outdoor cabinet solution […]

Keeping Young Athletes Safe Outside

The Role of Athletic Trainers, Athletic Directors, and Coaches Away from the Building In youth sports, winning is a big thing. But we all know it’s not the most important thing.  Young athletes learn leadership, decision-making skills, goal setting, and more.  They even learn how to lose and how to get back up and try again. Yet, none of that can happen if our young athletes aren’t kept safe.  Whether in community sports, high school […]

National Youth Heart Screening Day: One Day to Save a Lifetime

Why Knowing What We Don’t Know Can Save Lives It’s funny, isn’t it?  We schedule maintenance checks to look under the hood of the car.  Once or twice a year we get our furnace and air conditioners checked.  We go to the dentist (or at least we know we should) like clockwork. But have you ever had a heart screening? Maybe you’ve never thought about it.  That is why we now have National Youth Heart […]

Budgeting for Priceless

Funding Options for Deploying Outdoor AEDs in Your Community to Save Lives Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) claims thousands of lives each year, and having outdoor, accessible Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) can mean the difference between life and death. However, acquiring and maintaining AEDs for community spaces can be a challenge due to funding. In today’s economy, most budgets are stretched, and priority is usually given to funding the urgent-often at the expense of the merely […]

Planning for Sudden Cardiac Arrest

The Case for Widespread Outdoor AED Deployment in Your Community Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is both a recurring health epidemic and a serial killer, claiming almost 400,000 American lives every year. It often strikes without any warning signs. And when it does, you need help. Having an AED nearby and quick action by responders is crucial for survival. Unfortunately, there are tragic stories of unexpected SCA deaths from all over the country on a daily […]